Monday, December 24, 2007

Dinosaurs and Art

Check out the last Dear Diary entry in the NYTimes Metropolitan Dairy today:

Apparently, the Art part of "The Metropolitan Museum of Art" did not tip off this young woman to the Museum's content.

Still, her comment does inadvertently elicit curiosity as to what The Metropolitan Museum of Art and Dinosaurs might be like. Or, better yet, what would Metropolitan Museum of Dinosaur Art be?


David said...

Although, the observer could have pointed out that there is that magnificent Damien Hirst shark. I'm sure the young woman and her friends would have loved it.

Which raises yet one more question. Could the contemporary galleries be seen as a prototype for the new Metropolitan Museum of Art and Natural History?

cuenon said...

Funny you say that becasue I thought of mentioning in my post that sharks appear in the Cretaceous period, making them coeval with many dinosaurs. I went so far as to find a link to the MMA press release for the shark ({3687750C-3006-4D83-8BD6-8FC5CB67FCA6} if anyone is interested). But I omitted it because contemplating too many beasties that could eat us were they alive struck me as a bit morbid for Christmas eve. Happy Christmas though! :)